Information about GERD Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment options, and GERD Medication
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Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)



Information for GERD Patients


Dear patient:

We hope you will find the information presented here useful if you suffer from heartburn, or have been diagnosed to have reflux esophagitis, GERD related problems or Barrett’s esophagus. You can find out about signs and symptoms, and treatments available by clicking either the menu items above, or the links below.



Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD)


The burden of GERD results from its widespread prevalence and the unfavorable impact of its symptoms on quality of life. Where as an incompetent lower esophageal sphincter is important in the pathophysiology of GERD, medical treatment is based on controlling gastric acid, which is responsible for the majority of symptoms and mucosal damage.

Up to 70% of patients suffering from heartburn have nonerosive reflux disease (NERD).

NERD patients may have symptom severity and quality of life impairment comparable with erosive esophagitis (EE). Indeed, atypical or extra-esophageal complications are more common in NERD.


Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease occurs when the lower esophgeal sphincter (a valve) between the stomach and esophagus weakens. Most probably, affected people are born with this condition. This will lead to leakage of stomach contents (acid, bile, and semi-digested food) into the esophagus, causing heartburn, chest pain and esophagitis. The acid may reach the throat, leading to reflux laryngitis and hoarseness, chronic mostly one-sided sore throat and chronic dry cough. The refluxed acid may enter the windpipe specially when sleeping at night and lead to asthma, recurrent pneumonitis, or chronic lung disease and fibrosis as a result of inflammation of the lungs from aspiration.  Burning tongue and dental caries may also be caused by the acid-reflux.  In children, the acid may cause otitis media, earache and chronic sore throat.


  1. Signs and Symptoms of GERD

  2. Diagnostic Studies

  3. Self Help Treatment of GERD -- Dietary modifications, Lifestyle modifications, Over-the-counter Medications

  4. Prescribed Medications for GERD Treatment

  5. Surgery & Endoscopy

  6. Treatment of GERD

  7. GERD in Elderly

  8. GERD During Pregnancy

  9. Dysphagia

  10. Barrett's Esophagus

  11. Barrett's with High Grade Dysplasia

  12. GERD & Adenocarcinoma Esophagus

  13. GERD in Infants/Children

  14. Sleep and GERD










         This is an educational site created by M. Farivar, M.D. The information provided is the author's opinion based on years of clinical experience and research.  You are advised to consult your own physician about the applicability of this information to your particular needs.  Also, keep in mind that symptom response to therapy does not preclude the presence of more serious conditions. 

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